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Function classification of carpets.

1. Prevent sand and dust from entering the room: Outdoor carpets can block sand, dust, mud and other dirt, preventing them from being brought indoors and keeping the indoor environment clean.
2. Increase the comfort of outdoor activities: During outdoor activities, the ground may be hard or uneven, and outdoor carpets can provide a soft foot feel, making people more comfortable during outdoor activities.
3. Anti-slip safety: Outdoor carpets usually have certain anti-slip properties, which can reduce the possibility of people slipping on wet or muddy floors and improve safety.
4. Protect the lawn: Outdoor carpets can be laid on the lawn to protect the lawn and prevent damage to the lawn such as wear and squeeze.
5. Decorative effect: The patterns and colors of outdoor carpets can play a decorative role, making the outdoor environment more beautiful and fashionable.
6. Easy to clean: Outdoor carpets are generally made of easy-to-clean materials and can be kept tidy through simple cleaning, reducing daily maintenance work.